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Reclaim HE - page preview

Building a better future for HE

23 July 2024

As you will be aware, across the sector we are facing an increasing number of universities choosing to attack staff, threaten job cuts, and close departments.

Through hard work by dedicated ÄûÃʵ¼º½ members and staff, we have been successful in forcing some universities to back down, and we continue to resist every proposed redundancy or course closure where threats remain. I want to pay tribute to all involved in this fight as we battle with the legacy left by the Tory government, but also university leaders who have failed to protect the sector and have at times egged on the failed market experiment.

Our universities are the engines of thought, vision, and innovation in the UK. We cannot stand by as gross mismanagement results in job losses. We are very clear as a union that these proposed cuts are not necessary. In some cases, they are the result of a poor set of management decisions coupled with broader problems caused by broken funding regime. Elsewhere, cuts simply reflect cruel exploitation of a funding crisis to pursue cuts and attack staff.

Beyond providing dedicated local and national support to every branch under attack, the union is also engaged in talks with the Labour government about urgent interim measures. Over the last fortnight I met with both the new Secretary of State for Education, Bridget Phillipson, and Minster for Skills, FE, and HE, Jacqui Smith. Talks were positive and constructive. The new government wants to put an end to culture war attacks on the sector, and also recognise that things cannot continue as they are. These are welcome shifts. With that said, we are in a position where we need urgent answers and intervention.

Our short-term demands of the government are simple: provide emergency funding to underwrite any university that is experiencing genuine financial hardship, and intervene to call a halt to all redundancies. Longer-term, we need a full review of funding so we can end the failure of marketisation that has been so damaging for all of us. You may have seen that the Sunday Times covered the crisis on their front page over the weekend - you can . The Sunday Times article subsequently led to further radio and TV coverage - you can , and .

This is just the beginning, and we will be engaging with your local branches by supporting them to liaise with local MPs to build support.

You can also help us keep this important momentum and pressure going and drive forward the change that we urgently need to see by writing to your local MP and asking them to get in touch with local HE employers on your behalf as their constituent - you can access an updated template letter to help with this.

Together we have beaten threats of redundancies before. We did so during the pandemic by sticking together and campaigning hard as a union. We will get through this period too, and we will change higher education. For ourselves, for our students, for society.

In unity,

Jo Grady
ÄûÃʵ¼º½ general secretary

Last updated: 23 July 2024