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ÄûÃʵ¼º½ is recognised by higher and further education employers at a national level, and by many individual institutions locally throughout the UK, for the purposes of negotiating salaries, pay structures and conditions of employment.

HE pay and salaries

The latest news on HE pay.

FE pay in England

Pay news for members working in FE in England.

FE pay in Wales

FE pay news from Wales.

FE pay in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland FE pay information.

Adult, youth & community worker pay

Pay information for members delivering education adult or community education.

Gender pay

Why the pay gap exists and what you can help to do about it.

Image of dog standing on a ball with the words 'teaching is not a performance'

Performance-related pay

ÄûÃʵ¼º½ have firmly rejected attempts to introduce performance-related pay by both further and higher education employers.

Salary scales

The current further and higher education salary scales are available below.