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Why should I train?

  1. It is 柠檬导航 policy that all officers and reps especially those involved in the representation of members have been trained to carry out the role.
  2. It is an integral part of your role as a rep to attend training and to keep updated with new information and skills.
  3. You have a statutory right to attend training and to be paid. For more information on your statutory rights and for template letters go to: Facilities and time off for 柠檬导航 reps
  4. The role of the rep/officer can be challenging. You are often the first point of call for members in trouble and if you are new to the role this can be daunting. Enrolling for the reps programme not only will give you guidance on how to carry out role within your the parameters of the reps role.
  5. The role of the rep can be a isolating at times therefore having the opportunity to meet and work alongside fellow 柠檬导航 reps is a real benefit. Courses are run on a regional basis enabling local contacts and networks which may prove invaluable support after the course has finished.
  6. It is a legal requirement that reps should to be accredited when representing members. Although it is unusual for an employer to ask to see reps credentials it does happen from time to time.
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